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What Signals is Your Company Sending? Lessons Business Leaders can Learn from a Real Life Spy Thriller

Amber Johnson Culture, Leadership, Return on Values, Video, Video on Values-Driven Leadership

With a story straight out of a real-life spy thriller, Dr. Dave Smith (a 2014 graduate of the Ph.D./D.B.A. program in values-driven leadership) exposes the dangers of creating false signals within your company, in this short video.

Leaders who create inconsistent cultures – who proclaim a culture of customer service, for example, despite behaviors that indicate otherwise – leave a pattern that savvy consumers and clients can quickly identify. Dr. Smith helps viewers watch for patterns in their own company, and then offers suggestions on how to strengthen your leadership and corporate culture, for greater results.

Videography credit: Jim Davis, jim.allen.davis@gmail.com

MVM 3D image book stack cropLearn more about how your company can create a strong, positive culture that reflects the true nature of your organization. Download our eBook Making Values Meaningful.


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