Psychological Safety | Knowledge Economy

Creating Psychological Safety at Work in a Knowledge Economy | Video

Center for Values-Driven Leadership Article, Care for people, Culture, Leadership, Values-Driven Leaders, Video, Video on Values-Driven Leadership, Videos on Ethical Practices

Harvard University’s Dr. Amy Edmondson says psychological safety is mission critical for today’s knowledge economy. When employees don’t have the freedom to speak up, organizations lose mindshare and early awareness …

Fair Compensation & Transparency

How Much Does the Other Guy Make? Salaries, Transparency, and Reducing the Noise in a System | EKS&H

CVDL Student Care for people, Culture, Leadership, Return on Values, Values, Values-Driven Leaders, Video, Videos on Return on Values

EKS&H CEO, Bob Hottman, reveals why his company values honest communications and salary transparency among partners. Creating a trustworthy environment helps to drive success within their firm. Find more short videos …

Appreciative Inquiry Enquiry | Coaching

What is Appreciative Inquiry? A Short Guide to the Appreciative Inquiry Model & Process

Center for Values-Driven Leadership Change, Culture, Leadership

Learn the basics of Appreciative Inquiry in this article, and find Appreciative Inquiry examples and resources. Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a strengths-based, positive approach to leadership development and organizational change. AI can …