How Will a Ph.D. Help My Company? Understanding Your Return on Investment

Center for Values-Driven Leadership Article, Doctoral Program, Leadership, Values-Driven Leaders

For senior executives who are considering a doctoral program in leadership, “return on investment” is part of the consideration. Is this degree worth my time, effort, and money? Employers often ask the same question: if I support an executive through this program, what will our company get in return?

To help address those questions, we offer a newly created resource.

This short two-page document is designed for prospective students to share with their managers and CEOs. It explains the time commitment and logistics of the program, and also includes insights from some of our students and graduates regarding the contribution this program has made to their companies, including Boeing, Ford, Progressive Insurance, KPMG, and Allstate.

View and download the two-page document by clicking the image on the left. 

Do you have other questions about Benedictine University’s Ph.D./D.B.A. Program in Values-Driven Leadership, for senior executives? Explore our FAQs page, then attend an online or campus-based information session.


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